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Peace of Mind

We provide our own 2 year guarantee on all aspect of your new home and a 10 year structural and building warranty is provided in conjunction with Premier Guarantee.


After care service

Once you are a new home owner our after care service of two years kicks in to cover any unforeseeable teething problems.

On hand over day you will be given a pack with all your appliance warranties and your boiler warranty and service pack.

Traditional building materials can sometimes dry and shrink causing cracks to your timber and plaster work, particularly in the first year. Such cracks can be remedied in the normal process of redecoration and do not affect the structure of your house.

Shrinkage depends in part, on whether a reasonable even temperature is maintained in your home, especially in the first few months after you move in.

It is recommended that you maintain a maximum temperature of 18°C (65°F) during this time. If the heating is turned up too high and your home is not well-ventilated then shrinkage is more likely to occur.

Shrinkage cracks which can easily be repaired during redecoration are excluded from our Two Year Peace of Mind Cover.

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